I recently upgraded the following components on my computer. via maximum likelihood.Bit of a long story here, I will try and keep it simple. of Washington) for estimating population parameters such as population size, growth rate, migration rates, etc. A package of programs from Joe Felsenstein's Lab (Univ.
Winamova software software#
GDA: Software for analyzing discrete genetic data - Windows software designed to accompany Bruce Weir's "Genetic Data Analysis, 2ed".Developed at the Laboratoire de modélisation et biologie évolutive, Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, Montpellier, France. Bottleneck - a program to detect recent effective population size reductions using allele frequency data.The laboratory also provides a number of other programs for haplotype frequency estimation in the face of missing data, AMOVA - analysis of molecular variance, etc. Arlequin - Windows software offering extensive population genetics analyses, developed by the Laboratoire de Génétique & Biométrie in the Departement of Anthropology and Ecology at the University of Geneva, Switzerland.Similarly to SPAM it performs genetic stock identification (stock proportions and individual assignment) of mixture samples. GMA - Genetic Mixture Analysis software.Banks, Will Eicher ( Bodega Marine Laboratory) and J.B. This package allows selection of loci for genetic stock identification analysis. WhichLoci - computer program that selects the best combination of loci for population assignment through empiric analysis of data drawn from natural populations.Assignment Calculator - from the work of Paetkau and co-authors.THIS PACKAGE CAN CONVERT GENEPOP FILES TO SPAM INPUT FILES. Created by Michael Banks ( Hatfield Marine Science Center, Oregon State University)and Will Eichert ( Bodega Marine Laboratory, University of California at Davis). WhichRun2 - Windows 95 / 98 / NT Software for assigning individuals to populations based on multilocus genotype data.
Winamova software series#
The Technical Papers and Special Publications Series.

CSIS – Community Subsistence Information System.Cultural and Subsistence Harvest Permits.Subsistence and Personal Use Fishing Permits.
Winamova software registration#